Tuesday, March 24, 2009

'tis a lovely night for dancing

So it's actually morning here, nonetheless, whilst testing availability of blog names, I tripped on the keyboard, hit enter, and accidentally got 'Lovely night for dancing' as a blog name. The ghost of Bill Withers may have been passing over my house, which can only be a good thing in my book.

About 'my book' - it currently exists only in my mind, however will surely fall out of my consciousness in dribs and drabs as this blog progresses. For now though, 'my book' is the one (or seven) I am currently reading. Or perhaps it is the one that was dedicated to me by my loving father who actually IS a novelist. Shameless plug ensues - Bruce Russell is his name, more about him here, the book with my name at the front of it is 'The Chelsea Manifesto'. It came with a letter that said something along the lines of 'the book is to show that I understand'. And you know what, it does show he understands. How beautiful.

So in my signature way (alenaway + copyright symbol here), I have managed to create myself a blog with the random name of 'Lovely night for dancing' which actually and accidentally sums up much of my life. Dancing has been my happy place, my nemesis and my abandon. And perhaps this blog will be the same.

The lines surely are blurred between work/home and public/private now that one need decide to be 'friends' on Facebook with those one works with, or whether to add a contact on LinkedIn even though it's just some guy you smoked a spliff with at that party last weekend, but it will expand your online network, right?

Welcome to my blog.

Thanks for reading.

And remember, it's always a lovely night for dancing 'round here.

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